Birth Doula Support
Feeling calm, heard, relaxed, and supported is important before, during, and after your labor experience.
I create a beautiful, warm, reassuring environment where you feel supported emotionally and physically, holding a space for you where your needs will be honored.
Birth Doula Services
Birth is a key life experience that a woman will remember all her life. You deserve to have a wonderful experience and receive caring support.
When I support your birth experience you will:
Have full access to someone who understands the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a woman in labor.
Receive assistance for you and your partner as you labor in preparing for and carrying out your unique plans for the birth.
Have emotional support, physical comfort, and an objective viewpoint. I advocate for my birthing client in order to get the information she needs to make informed decisions.
Birth Doula Services include:
A prenatal meeting to discuss your needs, priorities, concerns, fears, and questions regarding your upcoming birth. I will introduce various comfort measures we can use during your labor.
Assistance in preparing your birth plan (shaping your goals and knowing your options).
Phone contact with me when needed, including 24-hour access to me via my cell phone from your 37th week until your baby is born.
Labor support where you decide (at home, hospital, or birthing center) and when you decide you are needing my support. I will stay with you throughout your labor.
My knowledge and experience will provide you with physical comfort, as well as emotional and informational support to lessen anxiety.
Breastfeeding and postpartum support for 1 to 2 hours after your labor.
A postpartum visit to talk about your birthing experience and immediate postpartum needs.
Fee: $2400
Combination Package:
Childbirth Preparation Private Class Series & In-Person Labor Support Package: $2800
Benefits of using a Doula:
"In hospitals where intervention rates (epidurals, Pitocin and cesarean deliveries) were very high, doula care lowered the intervention rates."
Women who have the support of a doula experienced more positive outcomes immediately after birth, as well as 4 to 8 weeks postpartum, than those without doulas in the following areas:
mother-baby interaction
high self-esteem, low anxiety, and postpartum depression
a higher feeling of satisfaction with their birth experience
* "Benefits of a Continuous Doula", Penny Simkin